The Teacher's Lagoon

Image of Student Helping Student

Tools for Subjects & Classroom Learning

By clicking the link above you can access various resources organized by subject.  These online tools can help enhance instruction and learning experiences.  If you have any suggestions for additional resources that are not included, please contact Mrs. Brown.

(The links above and below will open in new windows.)

NC Live is North Carolina's virtual library.  In addition to having content for all interests and fields of study, the site has a page dedicated to education called Education & Teacher Resources.  This page offers access to databases for education professionals (such as ERIC), media resources, and eBooks. You can use your public library card number to access the resources.  If you do not have a public library card, please contact Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Potter for help.  

(The link above will open in a new window.)

NC WiseOwl is a web portal that provides online learning resources appropriate for elementary and secondary education.  By visiting the link above, you will find databases, search engines, displays of student work, videos, and other great resources to use in your classroom.

It's a Pirate's Life for Teachers!

As teachers, work does not end when the classroom lights are turned off and the door is shut.  Many educators work long hours throughout the week, helping to make a significant impact on students' lives.  As such,  this page of the Library Media Center (LMC) website aims to support teachers in their planning, preparations, instruction, and professional growth by providing easy access to important and frequently used resources.

Online Catalogs

(Links will open in new windows.)

Libraries to Explore

(Links will open in new windows.)

Use these links to access local and national library websites, where you may find additional information and services that you are looking for.


The LMC aims to work closely with teachers to help enhance the learning experiences that not only occur in the library but also within each classroom.  Such collaboration will occur each year in various ways, such as special units with classes or one-on-one technology instruction with teachers.  However, the following are ways in which the LMC will collaborate regularly with educators:

  • Grade Level Meetings - Mrs.  Brown will coordinate times to attend monthly grade level meetings in order to receive feedback on LMC services as well as plan/coordinate events and activities with teachers and students.
  • Teacher's Book Club for Children's Literature - Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Potter will continue managing the Teacher's Book Club, in order to bring educators together to discuss wonderful children's materials and how to utilize them to enhance classroom learning.  If you are interested in joining this club, please contact Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Potter.
  • Technology Days - One day each month, the LMC will host a technology workshop for teachers and staff in the evening hours.  These workshops will provide instruction on technology resources and also create an environment to explore the uses of technology in classroom settings.

Hidden Treasures for Teachers

(All links will open in new windows.)

This section includes a variety resources that will help educators build their professional development and make use of Web 2.0 tools.  If you need assistance with any of these tools, don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Potter for help.  Good luck and enjoy!

Web 2.0 Toolbox

Web 2.0 tools are programs available online that foster connectivity, interaction, and creativity.  Social media tools, such as Twitter or Facebook, are also included under the umbrella of Web 2.0 resources.  However, this list aims to focus on particular tools that will hopefully enhance instruction and make teachers' lives a little easier.  All of these resources are free (although, some have more options with upgrades).
  • Animoto - slideshow/video creator that allows users to combine video, audio tracks, and images (there are several examples of Animoto videos throughout the LMC website)
  • Evernote - an organization tool that allows users to create notes and save information from the web in logical ways
  • Glogster - create interactive online posters with bright colors and images that enhance your message
  • Jing - an easy tool to use to create instructional videos from screenshots of your computer
  • LiveBinders - an organization tool in which users can create a  virtual 3-ring binder of content from the web, notes, and other media elements
  • Prezi - create dynamic and interactive presentations with text, images, links, and other media elements
  • Storybird - users, including students, can create stories using artwork and images supplied by the software

Professional Development


Use these links to access websites for professional associations which include information on membership and conferences.

These resources do not necessarily fit neatly into one category, but they will support teachers in their professional growth.

Use these links to stay up to date on matters in the field of education.
  • Education News - a news source covering current global issues surrounding the field of education.
  • PTA Newsroom - updated resources and information concerning students, parents, and teachers.
  • Reading Online Today- updates in the field of education (created by the International Reading Association )

These links will provide information and assistance in regards to the fair use of intellectual property and how to utilize resources available while still respecting copyright laws.

  • Copyright Office - a government website that provides information on the Copyright Office and laws
  • Fair Use Guidelines - information posted by the Copyright Office about fair use
  • Creative Commons - a non-profit organization that fosters lawful sharing of intellectual property and includes a terrific search features that allows users to find multimedia that can be modified or used for commercial purposes.

 Contact Us

Library Media Center | Buccaneer Bay Elementary School

123 Imaginary Avenue | Wilmington, North Carolina  28412 | 910-555-1111 (Media Specialist's Office Phone) | E-mail

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